Our women keep us strong

Chrisna Basson - Managing Director

Chrisna Basson - Managing Director

Gene Fransman - Office Assistant

Gene Fransman - Office Assistant

Eurica Botha - ADT Operator

Eurica Botha - ADT Operator

Women’s Month in South Africa is a great opportunity to reflect on the past and use it to fuel our future. Even though many of us weren’t involved in the protest that saw 20,000 women march to the Union Buildings on 9 August 1956, we can still celebrate this moment in history by honouring the women in our lives. 

If we think on our own lives, each one can say that they’ve been empowered by a mother, grandmother, sister, friend, teacher, co-worker or employer. Women who embody strength and courage inherently inspire greatness. At Strata Mining Services, we are not short on powerful women who are passionate about the impact they can make on society. 

Strata’s Managing Director, Chrisna Basson, believes that exuding kindness and compassion in the fast-paced mining industry makes a difference with her colleagues. Leading with humility and a hunger for excellence, Chrisna’s determination to reach higher heights is evident in all she does. 

“We truly have an amazing group of people here at Strata. They have big hearts with a deep passion for what they do. No matter what comes our way, we continually work together as a team to strive for success,” says Chrisna.

Strata fosters a safe environment in which their employees can develop their careers and grow as individuals. With such a secure foundation, it’s no surprise that our people build lasting relationships by uplifting and encouraging each other. 

Gene Fransman, office assistant, says that the “family feel” at Strata is what inspires her to give her everything as she serves people and makes their lives easier. She describes her job as a “God-given second chance” to find fulfilment in her workplace. 

“This business is a family because of the type of person Chrisna is. We spend most of our lives at work, but Chrisna makes it much easier for us to give of ourselves because of how she goes the extra mile to create an atmosphere of trust,” says Gene. 

The camaraderie between our colleagues at Strata displays a shared core value of respect. Instead of competing with one another, our people are quick to celebrate each other’s victories and recognise the potential of those around them.  

Eurica Botha is one of Strata’s promising ADT operators who takes inspiration from her colleagues. Knowing the value of hard work and consistency, Eurica continues to strive towards becoming one of the greatest operators in the industry. 

“To me, Strata is an inspiring company because they are willing to give lesser experienced operators like me a chance to prove my abilities and build a career. I will always be grateful for the opportunity they gave me; that’s why I strive to make them and myself proud.” 

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